Responsible Gaming

Our Commitment

The terms gaming and gambling refer to the same thing. However, the use of the language must be clear to everyone. For example, when we use responsible gaming or responsible gambling, people know of personal circumstances, especially the risks involved. It also implies that people can manage their casino gaming for gambling behaviors. We understand that complications can arise due to an individual's uncontrolled involvement with single or multiple forms of gaming. While most individuals enjoy casino gaming in a self-controlled way, it is essential to have an idea of the possible negative effects that may arise. If not, people may find it difficult to make an informed decision. The factors could be personal, age, social, or family circumstances. Other factors may include health, psychology, a complex state of mind, learning difficulty, or the effect of substances, drugs, or alcohol. We understand that, alone or together, the above factors can make some people vulnerable to excessive or uncontrolled gaming or gambling. As a result, some individuals may develop problematic gambling behavior. Gambling-related complications can damage or disrupt an individual's personal and work life and lead to new or existing difficulties for their friends, colleagues, or family. Gaming complications or problems can be considered along with health, social and psychological complications that may also involve public service aspects such as education, public health, and crime.

Our Role

At CrPati101, we strongly believe that gamers and those with responsibilities for vulnerable or underage people must have access to facts and information so that they can go for informed choices regarding the gaming choices they would like to undertake. Here at CrPati101, we make it a point that gamers, potential users of this site, and those undertaking the responsibilities of vulnerable and underage users have adequate access to information. Furthermore, it shows that they have a better understanding of their choices related to gaming. It is our responsibility to ensure that players and individuals are responsible for others:

The objective of CrPati101 responsible gaming policy is:

There lies a clear responsibility on the part of CrPati101 to minimize damage due to gaming and/or gambling. Therefore, the management works with the other staff responsible person to ensure that all aspects of giving responsibilities and commitments are strictly followed. We make every possible effort to ensure that the commitments related to the Welfare of the users, as per the laws and regulations of the land, are met. We take strict action against those responsible if they fail to do their job.

Our Priority

CrPati is serious about developing a responsible gaming strategy and action plans. It is a priority to increase knowledge, and also that of the others, so that everybody is on the same table when it comes to the prevention of gaming-related harm approaches to prevent it. The focus is on minimizing and reducing existing risks to the maximum extent possible. CrPati101 is well aware that giving your gambling is not the only thing that can cause harm. Some individuals gamble in more than a single way. The concern is to prevent the potential erosion of society and minimize any possibility of game-related harm.